• To the World Leaders

    The children have something to say to you

  • Are you a kid?

    Write to the World Leaders because they have to make important decisions for the planet.

    Children are writing to the World Leaders participating at the COP 21


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    196 presidents, princes, kings and queens from the whole world will soon have a meeting.

    A very big one.

    They will have to take difficult decisions for the future.

    The children can help them.


    This HUGE meeting is called the COP 21*.

    The leader of your country will participate.

    This meeting will take place in Paris, from November 30th to December 11th 2015.

    The participants will have to sign a world official agreement that will be very important for our future on this earth.


    *COP 21 means 21st session of the Conference of the Parties to the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change.

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    The kid’s opinions are important to decide the future of the planet!

    The Leaders have the responsibility to prepare the world of tomorrow.

    But you will live longer on the planet than they will.

    Write a message to them, so they think A LOT about the coming generations.

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    How does it work?

    From July 1st to November 20th: message writing

    Young earthlings from the whole world create messages at home, at the school, at the library, at festivals,…

    Everywhere on earth.

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    From July to November 2015: retreivement of messages

    The kid’s messages from all over the world are gathered in Paris.

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    September 2015: A huge mail box on wheels

    The last horse-driven carriage from Paris has been transformed into a vegetalized messaging carriage.

    This carriage belongs to the mail man’s daughters, a group that helps the environment by recycling = creating.

    The carriage holds postal-art workshops,  during the happening called ¨The road is clear to Montreuil¨ and during the day without cars in Paris .... It parades along with 195 vegetalized toy-trucks, created collectively by the groups called ¨Paris Label¨, ¨Engaged citizens¨ and ¨Flower Umbrellas for climate¨.

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    December 2015: broadcast of the children’s messages to the world leaders

    All children’s messages will be broadcasted by children-messengers during the COP 21.

  • How to participate?

    It’s very easy

    Who can send a message?

    All young earthlings from 6 to 21 years old.

    You can send your own personal message or a group message with your friends, your family or your school class.

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    Who to write to?

    You decide.

    You can write your message to all 196 leaders or to one in particular.

    Write their names clearly on your message.


    Don’t you know by heart who are the Presidents, Princes, Sultans, Great Duks or Emperors?

    We don’t either.

    Click to find all those leaders.

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    Let the imagination fly!

    Let’s make beautiful letters!

    A great letter, a message with a surprise, it makes them want to read it!

    You can send an e-mail that will be printed.

    The important thing is that your message comes from your heart.


    You can also create an unusual letter as postal-art.

    You can make a message in a bottle, on a shoe or even something from the garbage that you transform.

    You can draw. You can also decorate an envelope.



    Your message must be made strong enough so it can be transported.

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    In what language to write?

    You can write in any language.

    If you speak more than one language, you can also mix them.

    If you’re not sure about the spelling, it’s no problem.

    Things to remember before sending      your message

    Write clearly on your message:

    •  the names of the Leaders you have chosen
    • your first and last name
    • your age
    • your country and town or village

    You can also join a photo of yourself with your message.

    You can film the person who reads the message and send the video.

    Where to send the message?

    2 choices: by e-mail or by regular mail

    By e-mail



    By regular mail

    Delphine Grinberg

    Projet "Messages aux Chefs d'Etat"

    213 rue Saint Maur

    75 010 Paris


  • Partners

    Delphine Grinberg et les Terriens malins

    Les Filles du Facteur et la roulotte messagère

    Paris Label et les 195 p'tits camions végétalisés

    Isabelle Teste, plasticienne

    Faites une fleur... au climat

    Alternatiba Paris 

    Bibliothèque jeunesse de la Cité des sciences et de l'Industrie


    Académie de Créteil

    Felipe (Festival du livre et de la presse d’écologie)

    Paris sans voiture

    La Voie est Libre, Montreuil

    Printemps de l'éducation


    Living school


    Forum des enfants

    Solidarité laïque


    L'école nomade Kveneleken, l'école de Kharyyalakh, l'école d'Oleniok, République de Sakha ou Yakoutie, Russie

    Alliance française de Nijni Novgorod, Kazan

    Une communauté touareg au Niger

    L'association Remue Méninges à Bègles


    Agence des Espaces Verts de la Région Ile de France


    Gymnase 53, Nijni Novgorod


    Bibliothèques des Batignolles, Gutenberg, Georges Brassens à Paris

    Ecole Robert Desnos,Tunis

    Le MUZ musée des oeuvres des enfants

    2nde Services aux personnes et aux Territoires, Lycée de Kerplouz-LaSalle-Auray (Morbihan)

    Médiathèque Institut Français Meknès

    Ecole Saint-Exupéry, Pourrières

    Ecoles réseau Hope

    Ecole Idunskolan, Stockholm, Suède

    Editions le Pommier

    Maison de l'enfant, Boulogne Billancourt

    Paris Education 2015

    Enfants de Alaamouna, Marrakech

    Kuwenya eco school, Ouganda

    Collège Catts Pressoir, Haïti

    Association Bul' de Mômes, Saint-Ouen-les-Vignes, France

    Réseau Ecole et Nature

    Club Planète Jeunes de Tékane MAURITANIE

    Ecole Voltaire, Drancy


  • Why is the COP 21 so important?

    Because the world leaders need to achieve an international agreement on the climate, applicable to all countries.
    The aim is to keep global warming below 2°C. 

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    The climatic problems

    What would happen if we don’t do anything?


    It will soon become too hot for some animals and plants to survive.There will be more and more dryness, storms and floods. Millions of people will be chased out of their homes due to the rising of the oceans and the lack of food.


    Fortunately, more and more solutions are being found.

    Everywhere, there are good initiatives being developed by cities, businesses and associations that exchange good ideas.

    Some children also react and speak up!

    We can react if we decide so.

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      This international agreement will affect       your adult life.

    Signed in 2015, it will come into effect in 2020

    For the first time, we must achieve a universal agreement that will permit a durable transformation of our societies.

    To achieve this, we will have to accept big changes.

    Every country will have to make an effort, and the rich countries will have to show solidarity towards the poor countries.

    Selfishness will have to go away so future generations can live well on this planet.


    More information about COP 21

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    In french ! 

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